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Fullength album, 2009
Cat. no: FALL016
Format: CD
Style: Hip-Hop
Band page

With an more old school sound to the songs, ILL TICK POE (aka KID JESUS) takes us through a journey, just listen to the lyrics.

1. Stretch The Truth
2. When Im Gone
3. Ill Tick P.o.e.
4. Take A Look
5. Still Ill
6. Tick Tick, Tick Tick Tick
7. From The Past
8. Guardian Angel
9. Poor Excuse

Weight 150 g

Normal postage, Including tracking number + 5 EUR

Alternative payment

Alternative payment in Sweden;
SWISH i Sverige: 100 kr för CD+PORTO postnord påse s (ej spårbart)
INFO: downfall_records@live.se


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